Code of Conduct
The success of individual Teaching School Hubs (TSHs) and the programme as a whole will be determined not just by what hubs do, but how they go about doing it. The ‘what’ of TSHs is set out clearly in the documents pertaining to designation, the TSH Handbook and the Teaching School Hubs Council (TSHC) Framework. The ‘how’, whilst equally important, is less well defined. The Code of Conduct therefore sets a minimum standard for how hubs go about their work, to which hubs can hold themselves and each other to account.
The TSHC Code of Conduct is anchored in the Seven Nolan Principles of Public Life. It is also consistent with the conditions of designation set by the DfE and the guidance provided by the TSHC.
Once the Code has been adopted by a TSH, all partners delivering activities on behalf of the hub and all members of hub staff agree to abide by it.
We commit to upholding the Seven Nolan Principles of Public Life:
- Selflessness: We will act solely in terms of the public interest.
- Integrity: We will avoid placing ourselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence us in our work. We will not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for ourselves, our family, or our friends. We will declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
- Objectivity: We will act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.
- Accountability: We are accountable to the public for our decisions and actions and will submit ourselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
- Openness: We will act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information will not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.
- Honesty: We will be truthful.
- Leadership: We will exhibit these principles in our own behaviour. We will actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.
We commit to behaving in a way which upholds the reputation of the Teaching School Hubs programme and delivers maximum benefit to children:
- We will act as ambassadors of the TSH programme, behaving in a way that upholds and enhances the reputation of all Teaching School Hubs.
- We will work in partnership, considerately and respectfully, with other Teaching School Hubs.
- We will work with schools within our Teaching School Hub area, maintaining a constructive dialogue with neighbouring hubs to manage the exceptions where schools may wish to access support outside of their own hub area.
- We will strive for the highest standards and put outcomes for children first, paying careful attention to the potential for tension between our roles as providers and advisors.
- We will ensure that our work is based on the best available evidence and exemplifies best practice in professional development.
- We will act with integrity to build trust with the schools we serve, treating insights and information gained with sensitivity.
- We will engage positively with the TSH national network and the TSHC, and work constructively with the DfE, in support of the hub programme, teachers, leaders and children.
- We will promote equality, diversity and inclusion, and not act in a way that discriminates against any individual or group.
- We will respect confidentiality, complying with legislation and the standards expected of hubs.
- We are committed to improvement, seeking feedback and remaining open to constructive critique.
In addition, members of the TSHC make the following commitments:
- We will carry out our role as members of the TSHC in the interests of the hub programme and the success of the policy as a whole.
- We will treat with sensitivity confidential information shared with us in the course of our work as members of the Council.
- We will give advice and take decisions in the best interests of children.
- We acknowledge the potential tension between the TSHC’s role as sector body for TSHs and our responsibilities to the DfE, and will endeavour to strike an effective balance between these priorities on occasions where they may be in conflict.
Supporting documents, available to Teaching School Hubs through the resource library:
- Nolan Principles of Public Life, May 1995
- TSH Conditions of Designation: FINAL TSH Conditions of Designation v0.2.pdf
- DfE TSH Handbook V2: TSH Delivery Handbook v0.1.pdf
- TSHC TSH Framework: TSH Framework_version 1.7_2021.3.12.pdf